Hope that ellicited at least a tiny chuckle for you on a Friday.
via Crate & Barrel
See.... it's like I was meant to be. They'll prbably just give us the house.
Anyone can run. All you need is pair of shoes and a front door. You don't have to run long or fast. Just pretend like you are a kid and run until you are tired... run like someone is chasing you (in a good way). I guarantee you will not regret it.
The other shoe relationship I am having is with Wedding Shoes. Really, I am wedding shoe dating right now. I went ALL over the Galleria on Saturday trying on many many pairs of shoes that I can't afford and a few that I can. My idea was to buy a fab pair of shoes that are different and don't look like "bridal shoes" (ie. no ivory satin). This is a lot harder to come by than I thought. Most formal shoes that aren't bridal shoes are really really shiny. Cute. But shiny!
These are the ones the girl at Gregory's had me try on. I love the flower. And would love the entire shoe in a more muted gold.
Right now the shoes I have found that I like the most are these (Don't click the link, Greg!). They are only sold at the J. Crew in NY so I will have to order them to see if they fit. I don't know if I have the energy or the cash for that. I'll probably swing by a Bridal store and order a pair of something in Ivory Satin. :)
Funny shopping story:
I was in Saks talking to the salesman about what kind of shoes I was looking for. He looked down at my feet. And said "Are those Chloe flats? They're nice." I giggled shamefully and replied "No, they're Jessica Simpson."
He stopped helping me after that. I understood. He has standards. The sad part is...t hose are some of my nicer shoes. Good thing I wasn't wearing my Exhilaration flats from Target.
These shoes, however, make me very happy. Utter infatuation...
I got them last week during a fit of PMS hysteria. And I don't regret it. Not one tiny bit. They make remember that I am still a fun and whimsical gal even though I am a nerdy tech writer, homely grad student, and grisly triathlete.
So far they have made only one appearance, but I think they will be great paired with a tan, a fitted tank, a statement necklace, and a cute skirt on a sultry Meditteranean evening. No?
More info to follow on THAT subject. Very. Excited.
So think about your shoes. They reveal alot about you.
And I have already sent my wonderful friend and BM, Kristin Meyer a "please-help-me-make-this-happen" e-mail.
5. Programs
I will probably design and print my own.
Shouldn't be too hard...
I bet the wedding mischief fairies and computer-virus elves are laughing hysterically about that assumption.
Anyways, thanks for letting me get my ideas out. I'll let you know how thngs progress.
Have a great weekend!
And the bad.