The other shoe relationship I am having is with Wedding Shoes. Really, I am wedding shoe dating right now. I went ALL over the Galleria on Saturday trying on many many pairs of shoes that I can't afford and a few that I can. My idea was to buy a fab pair of shoes that are different and don't look like "bridal shoes" (ie. no ivory satin). This is a lot harder to come by than I thought. Most formal shoes that aren't bridal shoes are really really shiny. Cute. But shiny!

These are the ones the girl at Gregory's had me try on. I love the flower. And would love the entire shoe in a more muted gold.
Right now the shoes I have found that I like the most are these (Don't click the link, Greg!). They are only sold at the J. Crew in NY so I will have to order them to see if they fit. I don't know if I have the energy or the cash for that. I'll probably swing by a Bridal store and order a pair of something in Ivory Satin. :)
Funny shopping story:
I was in Saks talking to the salesman about what kind of shoes I was looking for. He looked down at my feet. And said "Are those Chloe flats? They're nice." I giggled shamefully and replied "No, they're Jessica Simpson."
He stopped helping me after that. I understood. He has standards. The sad part is...t hose are some of my nicer shoes. Good thing I wasn't wearing my Exhilaration flats from Target.
These shoes, however, make me very happy. Utter infatuation...
I got them last week during a fit of PMS hysteria. And I don't regret it. Not one tiny bit. They make remember that I am still a fun and whimsical gal even though I am a nerdy tech writer, homely grad student, and grisly triathlete.
So far they have made only one appearance, but I think they will be great paired with a tan, a fitted tank, a statement necklace, and a cute skirt on a sultry Meditteranean evening. No?
More info to follow on THAT subject. Very. Excited.
So think about your shoes. They reveal alot about you.
LOVE this one... you totally crack me up miss ma'am!