Monday, December 15, 2008


This weekend we went out to White Rock and watched brother Doug and girlfriend Mary run the White Rock Marathon. It was super super windy out, but the weather was nice.
I was sooo proud of how awesome they did! They are a great team.

Also, I believe
homemade signs=love. Watching the marathoners was very inspirational for me. I have been out of commission for a few weeks of working out due to sickness and school mania. Pretty much only getting in "maintenance" workouts (which means flipping through US weekly for 30 min. on the stair mill). Seeing people so happy to cross the finish line made me hungry to cross one. Greg and I went for an easy 30 minute run later in the evening and we felt good about it.

Right now the desire to run a marathon hasn't struck me. I am waiting to "mature" a bit. Once I get past 7 or 8 miles it just doesn't seem fun or relaxing FOR ME anymore. However, I do know that I need to be training for something otherwise I'll go crazy. I think I am going to look for a 10k....

p.s. Did I mention how much Doug and Mary ROCK!!

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